
Genres: Multidisciplinary - Watercolour and acrylic painting, acting, singer, songwriter, musician, author and bookbinder        
Themes: Multiple depending on the medium.      
Location: Wheatbelt, Western Australia  


Some creatives prefer to be known under a different alias, depending on the type of work they are doing at the time. Sharon Williams is a self-taught creative who dabbles in several different areas of artistic pursuit, each area with a different 'persona' or name per field. She has sent me links to all her pages, which you are welcome to view. Sharon contacted me after viewing the Creative Isolation Facebook page. After following her links, I must say I was blown away by her perseverance and busy lifestyle. 

JFP: Welcome Sharon. Would you mind introducing yourself to us, with any highlights in your career as a creative you would like to share?

SW: I have always had the urge to be creative but grew up in an adoptive home that did not nurture that need. So I was a late bloomer when it came to an artistic career. I did have music lessons as a teenager and learnt the organ, piano accordion and clarinet. But it wasn’t until I was in my 30’s that I started to learn crafts and then I was in my forties that I started an art degree at Curtin University with no experience in the art mediums.  

In my early 40’s I worked as a photographer (I am self-taught) and held a number of exhibitions, solo and groups. I also started and ran a few home-based business where I handmade the majority of the products. Things like costume jewellery and aromatherapy products. Before leaving Pemberton a few years ago I managed to write and self publish four children’s books and a photography book. My photography was printed in a number of books. I now love to work with watercolour paints and acrylics and dabble in millinery, felting and other sewing projects. I work as a professional actress and am represented by Now Actors.

JFP: Could you describe a bit about your creative process, your favourite themes, mediums/genres? Anything you would like to share about what inspires you to keep creating, believing in your abilities?

SW: I love to work in all mediums and am frequently distracted from one project by another. I find reading art books or watching a DVD will give me inspiration. When I used to live in Perth I would go to exhibitions for inspiration. I do struggle with low self-esteem and procrastination which inhibits me from doing any art.

JFP: Have you ever experienced a creative block or time in your career as a creative where things were difficult that made it difficult to practice your craft? Would you mind sharing that in some way? How did it affect you? How did you move on from that?

SW: Yes. When we went into lockdown in March 2020 it affected me in a big way. I couldn’t see the point in painting or sewing anything as all of the avenues I had for selling these items were closed. But then for the first time in my life, I managed to write a half-decent song on my guitar and saw a new career. And music still sells whether shops are open of not as it is mostly done online these days. I have now written two songs, recorded them and released them to iTunes, Spotify and Deezer.

JFP: What would you advise someone in a creative block/to move on with their craft to do? What are some steps, some words of encouragement you could give them? (Or even a source/book/person/etc to look towards?)

SW: If I am having a creative block sometimes what helps is just having a total break, maybe watching a movie or going to the park or something else that is a change from my art. Then I would look through my art books or watch an arty movie and I would find my self being inspired and wanting to create again.

JFP: Thank you so much, Sharon. I think looking at all of your different pursuits and the fact that you began your creative journey later in life is inspiring for all those who just want to have a go and see where it leads them. Well done and good luck with all your future endeavours

To view some of Sharon's visual arts work, please visit the Sharon Williams gallery

Links to pages:

Sharon Williams Artist pageElaine Coventry Author pageRachael Leigh Actress pageElaine Williams Couture